class StringCategory { static String camelize(String self) { def newName = self.split("_").collect() { it.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + it.substring(1, it.length()) }.join() newName[0..<1].toLowerCase() + newName[1..-1] } static Integer getPm(Integer self) { (self == 12 ? 12 : self + 12) } static Integer getAm(Integer self) { self == 12 ? 0 : self } } class SpeakCategory { static String shout(String self) { // Method argument is String, so we can add shout() to String object. self.toUpperCase() + '!!' } static String whisper(String self, boolean veryQuiet = false, Integer a = 0) { "${veryQuiet ? 'sssssssh' : 'sssh'}.. $self $a" } static String army(String self) { "$self. Sir, yes sir!" } } use (StringCategory) { println 'Hi_there_fella'.camelize() println + ' o\'clock' println + ' o\'clock' } use (SpeakCategory) { println "Pay attention".shout() println "Be vewy, vewy, quiet.".whisper() println "Be vewy, vewy, quiet.".whisper(true, 1) println "Groovy rocks".army() } // Or we can use the @Category annotation. // implicit 'this', no 'self' arg passed in @Category(String) class StreetTalk { String hiphop(Integer times = 1) { "Yo, yo, here we go! " * times + "${this}" } } use(StreetTalk) { println 'Groovy is dope!'.hiphop(2) }
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