Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Geb Web Test

//updated Jan 12 2013
//check out Geb/Phantomjs integration via RemoteWebDriver support!

     @Grab("org.codehaus.geb:geb-junit4:0.7.2"),  //soon to go 0.9.0
import geb.*
import geb.driver.CachingDriverFactory
import org.openqa.selenium.*
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.*
//import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile
//import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver
//import java.awt.Robot // see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/Robot.html#createScreenCapture(java.awt.Rectangle)

def cachedDriver = CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver() // clean-up old window & driver if any :)

File path = new File("C:\\geb-test\\")

String searchFor = "dogs" // or null = off

String downloadImgURL = 'http://freemailtemplates.com/wp-content/themes/psdfiles-freemailtemplates/images/download-button.png' // or null = off
String downloadImgPathFile = path.absolutePath+'\\pic.png'

String screenshotURL = 'http://www.yahoo.com' // or null = off
String screenshotPathFile = path.absolutePath+'\\screenshot.png'
// NOTE: these two webdrivers ONLY init'ed for the URL page screenshots (which need a headless/remote browser like phantomjs) //
// you could probably just go to the URL and generate a report, too...? //
final RemoteWebDriver rdriver
final WebDriver augmentedDriver
if (screenshotURL) {
    try {
        rdriver = new RemoteWebDriver( "http://localhost:9134".toURL(), DesiredCapabilities.firefox() )
        augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(rdriver)
    catch (Exception e) { screenshotURL = null }

// NOTE: config ONLY init'ed for reporting purposes //
def config = new Browser().getConfig() // steal a default config(??)
config.reportsDir = path


    Browser.drive(config) {
        if (searchFor) {
            go "http://www.google.ca/"
            assert title.contains("Google")
            // basic searching/reading/etc ////////////////////////////////////////////
            def inputs = $("input, button")
            assert inputs.size() > 2
            inputs.each {
                println ":"+it.value()
            // try a real Google search! ////////////////////////////////////////////
            def textSearch = $("form[action='/search'] input[type='text']")
            assert textSearch.size() == 1

            textSearch.value( searchFor )
            def buttonSearch = waitFor { $("input[type='button'], button") }.findAll{ it.text().toLowerCase().contains("search") }
            if (buttonSearch.size() == 0)
                // try another DOM node search //
                buttonSearch = waitFor { $("input[type='button']#gbqfb, button#gbqfb", 0) }
            assert buttonSearch.size() == 1
            def items = waitFor { $("li.g") }
            // show the first item's text
            println items[0].text()
            def imgs = $("img")
            def srcs = imgs*.@src
            srcs.each { src ->
                // show the img sources
                println "img: " + (src ?: 'n/a')

        // try another page! ////////////////////////////////////////////
        go "http://cnn.com"
        assert title.contains("CNN.com")
        println ">>>" + title

        // try to dump the page's HTML and screenshot! ////////////////////////////////////////////
        reportGroup "cnn"
        report "homepage"

        // try to inject jQuery into the page! ////////////////////////////////////////////
        injectLibrary(js, 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js') ////////////////////////////////////////////

        // try to grab the body's raw HTML! ////////////////////////////////////////////
        String body = ''+js."document.body.innerHTML"+''

        // try a URL file download! ////////////////////////////////////////////
        if (downloadImgURL) {
            try {
                downloadFile(browser, downloadImgURL, downloadImgPathFile)
            catch (Exception e) { println "[ERROR] downloading: ${e.message}\n${e.printStackTrace()}" }

        // try a URL page screenshot! ////////////////////////////////////////////
        if (screenshotURL) {
            try {
                screenshot(augmentedDriver, screenshotURL, screenshotPathFile)
            catch(Exception e) { println "[ERROR] screenshot: ${e.message}\n${e.printStackTrace()}" }
        println '==Done=='

        //close() // close window, not neccesary with CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver()
        //quit()  // quit window, not neccesary with CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver()

    cachedDriver = CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver() // clean-up window & driver if successful :)
catch(Exception e) { println "[ERROR] Please try again: ${e.message}" }
//==END MAIN==//

//these util methods all get their context object passed in as a final//
def downloadFile(final Browser browser, String downloadImgURL, String downloadImgPathFile) {
    input = browser.downloadStream(downloadImgURL) // geb function
    output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(downloadImgPathFile))
    output << input

def screenshot(final WebDriver driver, String url, String filename) {
     * Note: you need a headless/remote web server running (like phantomjs)
     *  - beware, this doesn't seem to like HTTP redirects

    final File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE)
    scrFile.renameTo(filename ?: 'screenshot.png')

def injectLibrary(final js, String library){
    if (!js."document.body.innerHTML".contains(library))
    //assert js."document.body.innerHTML".contains(library)

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